sharing our joy as belief
Our actions reflect what we truly believe. What we do with what we have been given reflects what we believe. We believe God is the owner of everything in our lives. He made us, designed us, and blessed us to be who we are, where we are, with everything we have. When we share the joy that we have in our actions with those around us, we are simply acknowledging our God and our purpose in life.
We have been given eternal blessing that we do not deserve. Not only have we been given it, it has been secured and assured for us through the hand of the one who gives it to us Himself. As Paul says, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." What that means is the only reason we are still alive and on this earth is to benefit those around us, by telling of who God is and what He has done.
When our actions align with our words, we have joy. This comes from being who we were made to be. When we give, be it time, talent or treasure to what we believe, we align those parts of our life with who we really are!
sharing our joy as mission
The Church is a light to the world. When we aren't fulfilling that, we aren't being church. It is our joy and our mission to be a force of good, hope, joy and peace to those around us. The Bible talks about our lives bearing witness to non-believers of the God we serve. Though we will always fall short of our calling, we want to be known as a group of people who love those around us because God loves those around us.