we enjoy our unity
At Holy Cross we are a family. That doesn't just come from time spent together and relationships that have formed and grown, but through the amazing statement that in the most important aspect of our life, we are in complete agreement. That is that in our relationship with God, how He has revealed Himself to us in Scripture and His Son Jesus Christ, and in our relationships with one another as guided by that relationship with God, we believe the same thing. We believe in the Bible, without error and as our authority on truth.
We also believe that the Lutheran Confessions are an accurate statement of what the Bible says. We read our Bible, we read our confessions. We believe they confess the same things. This is to our great joy. We come from many diverse backgrounds, with many different skills, passions and talents among us. Yet we all come and are bonded in what is central to our life. It doesn't always look perfect. We are still broken. We still hurt, but in Christ, we can turn back with joy to one another and appeal towards this unity and live together as one body, the body of Christ, the Church.
we enjoy our life together
Because of this unity we have in faith, and because of what we believe in God's Word, it is essential that we do not carry on in life with blinders on and in isolation. We need, and find joy in partnering with our church family in our walk of faith and life. We like to get together. We like to have fun together. We like to support one another, in good and in bad.
Sometimes things like game nights, ladies night out, ice cream socials etc... can seem to an untrained eye to be superfluous to our mission as the church. They are vital to who we are. The church is not the building, or the worship service on Sunday. The Church is its people and their lives together. When we meet, whether its to dive into God's Word, or just share an enjoyable meal in the midweek, we are being who God has created us to be, and acting in the unity that we have been made to live in. What a joyful thing!